Lyric discussion by IllToast2That 

Obviously a great band. The lyrics are self-explantory. I have to live them. I spent years loving someone who determined I was not right for her, and only she knows what she wants, desires, and needs so there's no judgment. I respect her decision. After a broken promise last year and one she could and would never keep (words ring hollow), I realized over the last month or so that I must move forward alone. Online "dating" is not for me. I have given up too much due to it. And over the past five days I saw what my future could hold, if only I let it. It was a "full moon" five days, getting asked out three times by three different women. I said "No, but thank you" to two, and an "I'll think about it" to the third who was in my life last summer. I believe in omens... and red flags. The omen (men) tell me that life will eventually move on for me and one day I shall get past the person who made the choice to live w/o me, just as she will continue with her life and eventually forget me as well. We have to see the glass as half full. I'm learning that, slowly but surely. "We can't always get what we want."...but at least we gave it our best shot. Nobody can deny us that. GOOD song.

Having the same thoughts as you is what brought me to listening to this song recently. Hope your doing better in this whole moving forward thing. It's been a few weeks for me. Getting over someone is hard. :( but like C.S Lewis said “ there are far far better things ahead than any we leave behind”

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