Lyric discussion by CravenImages 

Her contemporary, Neil Diamond, wrote another dreary (yet also hopeful) song about marriage.

Husbands and Wives

I practiced for weeks singing it, intending to sing it at my brother's wedding, with the intention of emphasizing the hopeful part.

That line, the refrain, is:

A woman and a man And a mana and a woman Some can And some can't But some....can

These are two cautionary tales about what can happen if you DO just decide to "settle" and do what you think is "expected of you".

You know what else you're expected to do some day? DIE.

I trust no one in their right mind is in a hurry to fulfill THAT expectation.

Marry, if you must. But do not make it out of obligation or out of the fear of living alone. There are worse things than being lonely. Being in a loveless marriage where both people are so resentful that they feel "trapped" is a lot worse than being alone. Sometimes it can lead to terrible things. If children are conceived in a loveless marriage, the results can be quite awful.

All that said, I think there is hope for everyone. We need to be honest with each other, talk about our feelings and stay focused on our common humanity. Love CAN be created within a loveless marriage. Children from broken homes CAN heal that wound inside and find lover themselves. It requires facing the truth and ridding ourselves of the silly romanticism about love and bringing the highest form of love we can to every situation. The recognition of our oneness.

All is one. No one is truly separated. We are like the facets of an infinite jewel, merely reflections of the light which is the love from our source. Without the jewel, and without that light, we are nothing. In fact, the jewel and the light are all we truly are. We are not the facets. Our illusory, individuated conscious is a manifestation of a much larger whole. We are the same thing. We are one.

Anyone heard a song that says that? I have, but they are only in Hindi and Arabic. Any song writers in English wanna try that?

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