Lyric discussion by RichMonkey 

I think you have to consider the song in the context of the whole album. Throughout the album, 'our singer' explains to us the death of a relationship; perhaps not a specific relationship but certainly the mental acceptance of a droll traditional relationship. If you've grappled with the mental anguish of ending a perfectly workable long-term relationship for the promise of charting a new course, you can probably relate to the whole of S&E on this level.

Some key indicators in this song include "She's got the radioactive" .. it makes me think that perhaps you don't need a wife at home for the regular unfulfilling sex when one night of dirty, passionate 'radioactive' sex (obviously in this case a prostitute, given the 'hour') could 'feed 40 days', taking care of the urge until next time. In some ways, perhaps there's some merit in prefering one night of passion-fueled sex to the regular (if you're lucky) boring familiar sex? The second verse conjures in my mind the destruction of that relationship and whenever you miss that ex-partner, you cover it up with cheap perfume and move on.

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