Lyric discussion by inkyblack 

shoot me but I do actually think it is about a new beginning! If anything it might be about getting over a bout of depression?

In my opinion the lyrics are way to life affirming to be about suicide. If you take the words literally he's ready to burn bridges, burn his boats, kick out the gloom, tear down everything and burn it, to start afresh.

He's talking about doing something spontaneous and different, laughing at things and having a shag again etc, which does not sound particularly suicidal to me. The 'much too late...' bit is kind of typical for anyone stuck in a rut, isn't it?

I think even a major doom monger like Robert Smith might feel like ditching the gloomy outlook once in a while and clearing the slate. (And I say that as a fan who adores the Cure at their bleakest - my favourite albums are probably Faith, Pornography, Seventeen Seconds, and Disintegration)

I kind of cracked up at the rest of the interpretations. This is the feel I got from the song. It also def seems about banging.

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