Lyric discussion by bomberben1 

The song is about Ian Curtis' failing marriage. Atmosphere was released in 1980, the same year Love Will Tear us Apart was released. 1980 was also the same year Ian committed suicide. What you have with his songs around 1980 are Ian's mixed emotions regarding his marriage. In a nutshell Atmosphere is about Ian's regrets and deep desire to be reconciled unto his wife despite her unwillingness.

His wife was in the process of leaving him ("walk in silence").

He had regret for his affair and wanted to reconcile with his wife ("don't walk away in silence").

He saw that they were both hurting ("see the danger, always danger").

His efforts to talk with his wife were unsuccessful, and she was going to start her life over without him, so he pleaded her to stay. ("endless talking, life rebuilding, don't walk away").

Ian's wife was confused about what to do with him, and it's after this that he finally realizes the severity of his actions and regrets what he did ("Your confusion, my illusion").

Ian's affair caused his marriage to fail. He caused his own problem and he hated himself for it, and wanted to die ("Worn like a mask of self-hate, confronts and then dies").

The last verses are a stab at his wife for not understanding him. He had issues that came through a lifetime of self-hatred. (People like you find it easy, naked to see. Walking on air, hunting by rivers, through the streets every corner abandoned to soon. Set down with due care).

The first part of the song was pretty much an apology and plea for his wife to stay because he loved her. Then with the ending verses he shows how unhappy he is with his wife and life in general. Notice how after he reveals his suicidal idealization ("confronts and then dies") he takes a jab at his wife almost like it's all her and everybody else fault he feels that way.

Ian brought about his own downfall. He had an affair, and it was because of the affair he committed suicide. The lesson to be learned is make good choices and don't be your own downfall.

To each their own on how and why they use the song's interpretations and apply meaning to their own life. But to me, bomberben1's interpretation not only makes practical sense, but seems to envelop the brilliant spirit and spiritual pain Ian probably had during these moments of his life and is absolutely an outstanding "translation."

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