Lyric discussion by TurnMeOn 

It's a wonderful song my a very talented artist. It's about a fun man who loves himself, respects himself, and respects the one woman he is with (in the flesh). He's not boring. He's confident, which makes him incredibly sexy. And we all know that the best sex is wild sex wth an honest man who knows and loves his woman, and vice versa. GREAT song. Not a song for bar toads and those who chase young girls and boys for no other reason than they CAN.

@TurnMeOn Are we listening to the same song? I hear a bigoted egoist, selfish and a show-off, feeling superior to everyone who isn't lucky enough to be exactly like him. And, who is this one woman that he's with?? He can't 'get at' the girl next door because Mummy knows best ... plus, he's waiting for his father to die so that he can inherit! Not much respect there.

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