Lyric discussion by weirdogrrl 

Cover art for Get Off The Internet lyrics by Le Tigre

It's so ironic really. I'm listening to a song called "Get Off The Internet" on the internet. And now I'm talking about it on this website for that reason.

I actually disagree with this song to be honest. It's catchy, but that isn't really what matters. I think the internet is a great way to be political. Social networks, and even more so, blogs, are a form of media. It's a great way to communicate information to the rest of the country, or the rest of the world, really.

I don't see feminist blogs as a bad thing. Blogs are in a way, just modern day zines, aren't they? A lot more widespread, of course. Most of these bloggers make zines as well. I don't see anything wrong with it!

Also am I the only one who uses this website? All the comments on here are from, like, 2005. I'm like the only one who comments on here in 2013.