Lyric discussion by coold00d 

This song is about the EZLN. I am too lazy to go through each reference in the lyrics, but they are all in reference to the EZLN (now a non-violent campaign, but at one time was for violent revolution in Mexico).

"Everything can change on a new years day" is in reference to NAFTA, which basically screwed over Mexican workers (and American workers) in the name of "fair trade", which meant cheap consumer goods for Americans at the cost of American jobs and slave labor in Mexico.

"Black flag and a red star" is in reference to the EZLN flag

"is like Gaza on to the dawn of Intifada" Intifada means "resistance". The reference here is the fight by young Palestinians against Israel, which is the general term for Intifada. It was officially stopped in '93, but still goes on today

"Shot four puppet governors in a line" I don't know of any times the EZLN did any assassinations or anything, so if anyone knows what this is reference to, I would love to know

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