Lyric discussion by 6GUNSALLY 

"And I never thought about you much...Till I'm broken down and all alone" Obvious meaning. This song is about five YEARS of the life of a man I know. He fell in love with the wrong person and got used by her. The only time she wanted him was when she felt too lousy to spend a lot of time with her BOYFRIEND. Oh, no. It wasn't one boyfriend. It was a string of boyfriends and a string of excuses. She made him promises. Even set a date. That date came and went. And now after so much time she expects him to believe his same ol' lies. She counts on him being stupid as she waits for the sun to rise and her to return fulltime to her boyfriend...and then another. THAT is what this song is about. It's about using someone...taking love for granted; taking friendship for granted; taking compassion for weakness; and using another to get what one needs...temporarily.

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