Lyric discussion by heatherfer 

I've always thought this was Simon LeBon's somewhat porny, appreciative English paean to the airbrushed, often artificial visual appeal of us American women. I've known a lot of foreign guys, and before they move to the US, or have lived long in this country, it seems a lot of them hold very distorted opinions about American women. I remember being on the M train here in NYC one night when an Egyptian Muslim tourist guy would not stop hitting on me and stalked me from car to car of the train. When I told him no, I would not sleep with him, he looked genuinely puzzled. His reply: "But you are American."

The surplus of American porn that reaches foreign shores was a lot of the problem during the 1970s and 1980s when Simon LeBon was an impressionable red-blooded lad reading it. He's obviously fond of skin mags: "Girls on Film", "Skin Trade", "Electric Barbarella", anyone? :) And today the internet has made US porn even more available, so there's hardly a young man anywhere who hasn't been hit by it and made to think - impressionably - that all American women are shiny glossy suntanned stick figures with balloon breasts, inflated pink lips and butter-colored, frosted hair, ready to serve any kink on call.

And that's what I've always thought, even as a teen in the Eighties listening to this fantastically chill, seductive song on the top of Side B of "Notorious":

My American female opinion: "American Science" is another appreciative song by Simon LeBon about a sexual icon he really, really likes -- the fake, blonde, silicone-injected, 110-pound, heavy-breasted, narrow-waisted, long-legged, stiletto-heeled electric barbarella doll American pornography has made millions of men around the world come to our shores hoping to instantly see, and subtly expecting all American women to be and conform to.

I'm not against porn, but I wish men overseas would recognize that it is fiction and produced as entertainment - and that American women are not all whores the way they often think and hope we'll be.

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