Lyric discussion by MistahBungle 

Did anyone hear this song for the first time, stop, and go 'Whoa. What/who the fuck is that ?'. (I was in a record store during my lunch hour in early 1993). This song had a bigger impact on me the first time I heard it than any other song I've ever heard (and it's not even close to my favourite song, even tho it's a great one & I do like it a lot).

It just made you stop & listen. So much simmering anger at the start, culminating in a definitive & defiant "No".


Yes totally. The simmering anger was making me say WHOAH - I should add the chopped onions now but then the WHOLE THING just boiled over and my epic sauce was spoiled. I said to myself "What the fuck - next time I'm gonna make GAZPACHO in the name of Comandante Marcos y Fidel". Rage on comrades.

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