Lyric discussion by RoleMartyrX 

This song is fairly straight forward. A women left the speaker here, and he's angry. She promised him that she could never leave. She'd "die" if she did.

The first verse is the arguments that lead to the breakup. He tried to let things go and move on, but she left anyway. He "should've known what" she'd do, and that is leave. "The place is vacant when you're gone" is applicable to two things, and both work. It could mean the house they shared, or any place where they would normally be. Another interpretation is his heart. His heart is vacant when she's gone. He's empty inside without her.

The lines before the chorus are him entertaining her frustration with him. He knows something is wrong, and he goes with what she is giving him, which is anger and frustration, but he still knows how they used to be ("I still taste the way...).

The chorus is obvious. If he really meant so much to her that she'd swear she'd die if she left, why is she still alive? Why is she fine when the relationship is over? Why is he the only one upset?

"Well if apathy could be a friend of mine, The matches made could burn the sands of time". --This line is tough to break down, but the overall meaning seems to be if he were apathetic to this like she is, he'd get through it quicker. This is supported by the muffled pleads during the solo. He is so pissed at her and at himself because he should've known that she'd leave. He should've known this was coming. And he's pissed that she should've known what this would do to him. He's confused as to why she left, hence the "why" being repeated (obvious, I know).

Chorus is the same here, but the changes are necessary at the end.

The "so what, so what, so did I" line is beautifully placed. It's not sang as aggressively. He's finally letting it go. So what if you're gone, so am I. You left me, but so did I. I'm leaving you now too.

"So what, so when, so what, so when, so die" is a play with the above. So what, you left. So when can be taken like this So when are you going to die? When are you going to follow through with that promise? And then, after being so laid back with the repetition there with the "so what, so when", he just wants her to die. Maybe not a literal, physical death, but certainly a mental/emotional death.

This is just my take on it.

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