Lyric discussion by bethanne13 

This song is incredibly beautiful. One of my favorites from M&S.

I think it is about man who is caring for his sick wife.

From what I gather from the lyrics, the wife is not just plain sick, but mentally ill. I was confused on what a "lavender ward" was, then I looked it up and everything made sense.

The man desperately wants his wife to be restored, but still loves her deeply despite her fate and is willing to care for her as long as he can. The story reminds me of The Notebook, actually. Down to the "whispered notes from the piano in the corner of the room. Hold your throat - is that healing that you're hearing in her tune?"

On another note, I do think the lyrics say "called to be a rock" instead of "called to be around". It's a beautiful picture of the man being there for his wife.

Now what I'm still wondering is part where it says "found myself on top, as the leader of the flock" as if he ends up caring for more than just his wife. What do you guys think?

Nice! I'm with you on most of that, but see my interpretation of the "leader of the flock" above, which I think is the crux of the song.

@bethanne13 That's actually pretty much exactly how I take it, and its one of my favorite songs because of this. The whole part about the Lavender Ward really shows that it is about a lover and his love, who suffers from a mental illness and despite the struggles of the lover, he still stands strong as the rock and the leader. Granted, you can also take it to be any relationship role but thats where it hits for me as my wife has suffered with various mental illnesses our entire relationship.

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