Lyric discussion by NikoMackey 

I think most listeners here are wrong; the straightforward structure hides the more subtle elements.

I don't think he really is OK by himself. Why does he say he is OK? Because he doesn't trust anyone; no one can get close without him thinking that they mean harm. He takes it over the top with the weapons imagery; will a potential close friend really want to kill him?

He is absolutely adamant when denying the help of others ("No, no, no, no, no"). He could just simply say, "No, thank you," but he practically lashes out at those who try to help. In fact, he degrades the help's argument until he believes it is moot:

At first the help is "morality," ("being by myself might not be healthy, but I don't care"); he admits that the help has some value. Then it is "benevolence" ("I know you are trying to be a good person, but I don't care"). Then "home-spun philosophy" ("you're just making this up, aren't you?); this here is an insult as he tells himself that companionship is just a fabricated ideal. "This might make you throw up" is when he actually admits that his life choice is to a certain degree grotesque; I know many can figure that last part out, but why does he admit this? He dismisses the idea of companionship by debasing the arguments against him, and this last part is probably him coming to terms with his decision. Finally managing to convince himself that he is OK (and he has to convince himself), he admits that his decision is not only different and strange, but awful enough to induce vomiting.

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