Lyric discussion by DeadxLikexMe 

I get a sense of reflection from the new album, and I feel that there's a hint at sarcasm amongst the lyrics, because you make your choices and you live that life, and that's just how things are. But there's always someone or something looking down on it, trying to control it into how they think it needs to be and those who don't agree, but the fact is that it is what it is and as much as they love doing what they do, live for the moment and do their thing, there are parts of it that get old and get in the way of getting on with it, and there's always the nagging wonder of whether or not they're losing themselves to it, being left behind, but does it really matter if they're doing what they love anyway in the end? Life's too short to really stop and spend wondering, and when it's time to walk away it's time to walk away to get on with other things that matter.

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