Lyric discussion by Arthos 

I think the is the best song in the album along with "Home", which is kind of interesting I since think they portray kind of the same message. I believe this talks about the moment James Murphy realizes he has to let go the band. Going back to your home after touring and realizing you are a stranger in your own house, practically begging his wife to notice him (the one who has put up with all his shit). Maybe at the beginning when he began touring they got into constant fights which ended in pity tears from her but now she just doesn´t care anymore, everyone just got used to live without him. I picture this moment kind of like in the Godfather II when Michael Corleone arrives to his house after going to Cuba and finds his house very cold and distant to him and notices he has been pushing away everyone around him, its a very devastating moment realizing you are completely alone, even Francis Ford Coppola said that he thought this was the worst punishment for a man.

What I think is very interesting is the final distortion of the song. I don´t know but I really think thats how the mind feels with all this chaos going on and mixed feelings, you know, loving to tour and loving his band but also knowing that this is destroying his personal life. Its like the mind being very confused and in pain. I think he nailed that feeling in a sound, its really impressive for me. I believe he is going to be known as one of the greatest music geniuses of this century, his music is waaaaaay superior to almost anything I´ve heard.

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