Lyric discussion by jas0n182 

Such an amazing song and the honesty in these lyrics just make it outstanding..

This song in my eyes is about loving a woman so fucking much and then having her leave.. You feel so lost and desperate that you become addicted to the idea of getting her back even though you know that you know how impossible that is.

She's in your mind when you wake up,she's in your mind when you fall asleep. She's in your mind while doing whatever so you say I'll swallow my ego and I'll try to approach her but it's just no use for her since she has made up her mind and she will turn you down all the time..

I love the line where he says he wrote her name on the dusk of a car that was leaving out of town. It's like a modern interpretation of writing a letter,putting it in a bottle and then throwing it in the sea.

So much pain inside two verses. I've lived this song letter to letter.

This is poetry my friends.

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