Lyric discussion by MarxistChavizta 

This is a hardcore anti-capitalism song. The song calls for a revolution to overthrow this evil oligarchic capitalist system. And we need a revolution as soon as possible. Because the basic social rights of the working class can not be achieved without a fundamental reorganization of economic power and the redistribution of wealth within the United States. The realization of these rights requires a frontal assault on the hitherto unchallenged prerogatives of the corporations and the rich. The vast wealth created by the labor of generations of workers must be taken out of the hands of a privileged few and put at the disposal of the people as a whole. Workers will achieve nothing if they seek to avoid such a direct attack on the economic and political power of the capitalist class.

This is just a hackneyed communist diatribe with no specific connections to the song's lyrics. Are you basing this interpretation on anything besides your own political beliefs? I don't buy it.

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