The first line means that it doesn't matter if you love God (religious people often capitalize the H in "him" when they are referring to God or Jesus) or a guy (guys loving guys.) She's saying that you can still be homosexual and be religious. "You were born this way" means that homosexuals/bisexual etc. were born that way and they can't help it like some people believe. It also goes on to address other things other than homosexual/bisexual people...your religion, your beliefs, your skin color, etc. She says that no matter what people say or believe about you, just love yourself for you who are and don't try to be anyone else. We all have the same D.N.A because we are humans, she is saying don't judge people. After this song was released, I've had major respect for Gaga. This is a great song with a great meaning unlike some of the songs on the radio today, so kudos to her!
The first line means that it doesn't matter if you love God (religious people often capitalize the H in "him" when they are referring to God or Jesus) or a guy (guys loving guys.) She's saying that you can still be homosexual and be religious. "You were born this way" means that homosexuals/bisexual etc. were born that way and they can't help it like some people believe. It also goes on to address other things other than homosexual/bisexual people...your religion, your beliefs, your skin color, etc. She says that no matter what people say or believe about you, just love yourself for you who are and don't try to be anyone else. We all have the same D.N.A because we are humans, she is saying don't judge people. After this song was released, I've had major respect for Gaga. This is a great song with a great meaning unlike some of the songs on the radio today, so kudos to her!