Lyric discussion by driftingdreamer 

Cover art for Between Sun and Moon lyrics by Rush

Not a huge Rush fan blush but I never knew how amazing their poetry/imagery is! Feel like huffing them so here goes nothing (in a Rush)

The moments when we hesitate between a "whisper and a shout," "between wonder and doubt" is much like a deep lake where the suface is smooth elluding the unknown; the depths. It is when you hesitate and take it in to contemplate these depths that you discover.

Also, planet Earth whose surface is covered in mainly oceans is like a great lake between the sun and the moon. When the earth, moon and sun align, the earth's shaddow completely blocks the light of the moon allowing for the full dark to reveal "bonfire lights in the mirror of the sky." Ahh, the wonder! Ancient men wondered such things and prayed to the winter and summer solstices; "what be these glorious lights in the deep of night?"....Ahh yes to yes....Why, the sun!! But, why?!

Perhaps god? From the ancients who worshiped the sun to modern man who worships a man or god, such is another time to pause and hesitate somewhere between the wonder and the doubt.

And those night-lights we marvel at, some no longer exist, yet we are see their ancient light that has traveled vast expances of space to reach our eyes...a grand illusion! Is love like that? We can see it's light with our eyes, or we can magnify it through a lense, but is it real or just a wish? Much easier to ponder upon the stars, but people and matters of the heart are much more ellusive!

And while we seem so miniscule and small, when compared to the vast spaces between, we do revolve the sun, and the sky is but a mirror to reflect that we ARE part of it all, each light we see is but another sun! What a RUSH! tingles