Lyric discussion by Mushmouth Joe 

Obviously, the meaning of this song has been interpreted many times over. Lots of people mentioned Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Reagan Youth, and Michael Moore when they talked about the change in Fat Mike. But no one really mentioned Public Enemy! Don't forget about Chuck D, Public Enemy's lead MC. When I first heard Franco Un-American I was so impressed that Fat Mike is a fan of Public Enemy. I've loved both bands for many years and I've always wondered if Chuck D was aware of the reference. Both bands are very similar when it comes to their views on politics and the music industry. The music is very different, though. If you have ever liked a hip hop song, please give Public Enemy a chance! They have like 13 albums of unbelievably great hip hop music. And I'm not talking about pop music for the masses. This is true hip hop with a real message made by people who put as much work into it as NOFX. I think Fat Mike probably mentioned them in this song because he had heard a PE song that was released around the same time. It is called Son Of A Bush. Not a bad place to start if you wanna get to know some PE. If you have never heard them, keep in mind that their first 7 albums were released by Sony-Def Jam and they are great! But in 1999 they were the first commercial band to ever release an album completely over the internet with no record label at all. Quite ballsy. They abandoned all commercialism and started REALLY making a statement since they no longer had to follow the guidelines of "standards and practices." Chuck D was already on these types of subjects back when Bush's dad was president.

One of my favorite lines written by Chuck D-

"Dictators Human haters Hand on the bomb , mass debaters Finger on the button- infiltrators Make love! Fuck war! Peace will save us!"

Sorry. I know this isn't the Public Enemy forum but I thought the song meaning for Franco Un-American was done to death here. I didn't have anything to add to that. But the Public Enemy reference in this song was the only line that wasn't brought up repeatedly. So, I felt the need to bring it up.

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