Lyric discussion by Kyvan 

I've started listening to many videos of Portishead live in order to understand the lyrics, but I still have a lot of difficulties...

In it sounds like she says:

"Widow or wife, (?)(Makes no sense though) When will I sleep? Where do I go/What will I know with all that I got?"

Or "What/when will I know, in all that I got" could also be. It's really hard to listen to.

In :

"Riddle of life (I like this better, because it makes much more sense, but it still sounds much like a "w" sound.) When will I sleep What do/would? I know (Or, as someone else said, "When will I go?") In all that I got?"

In it kinda sounds like

"Where do I go In all that I know?"

"What do I know, In all that I've got?"

Album version (The hardest imo.)

"When and(/or?) why, Will I sleep? What do I know, And where do I go?"


"Widow of why (?) ("Widow of war" makes more sense... but I really here an "y" at the end of that word. Perhaps she says "Window"?) When will I sleep? What do I know In all that I got?" (The "got" sounds like "go", so I'm not really sure.)

"Widow of life When will I sleep? Where will I go, with all that I got?" ("Got" still sounds like "go", but the beginning doesn't match!)

There's a lot other videos, some have quite a decent quality, but I can't hear anything different than that I've already heard. So, basically:

"Widow of life/war / Widow or wife / Riddle of life / When or why When will I sleep? Where do I go / What do/would I know / What will I know / Where will I go ? With all that I got/know / In all that I got/know "

I'm also quite sure she says "Tears on tears" and not "tears and tears".

I know that I'm only creating more confusion, and this probably won't help a lot. I even started thinking at some point that she just sings different lyrics every time. Anyway, the fact that I'm not a native english speaker might be a factor in my interpretation of the lyrics.

This is my favourite song, and that's why I've put so much effort into understanding it. I hope we can clarify what she really says.

I've also found this site: , where they claim that the lyrics were written and corrected by Beth herself. (Yet apparently only those of the first two albums...) It says the lyrics from the album version and the concerts are different... Which could be true, since "Stand, stand, damned one" might be just too much for some people to bear...

Finally, (and I better stop doing this or else I'll start hating the song...) part of the lyrics of the song seem to be written in her hand in this vid:

You can see it clearly says "When will I sleep?" in the fourth line. If only that could be enhanced digitally...

The fact that I've looked into this so much freaks me out.

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