Lyric discussion by maxilo20 

I cant believe that after reading all of these interpretations that nobody really knows what this song is about. Let me number them to express the meanings of the song clearly.

1.) this song is specifically about her doubts as a solo artist

2.) this song also mentions 'sex chromosome' meaning that for female artists, there time 'tick tock' is actually running out.

3.) She needed to make the album soon because her time was really running out as a 'hot female' and as an artist.

4.) Stupid ho represents her because thats what society sees her as( 'so messed up how our society all thinks' meaning that because she is a female she will always be seen as a ho.

5.) Also, I think that ho also represents her doubts about being a mother at 35 since her time is running out as a woman to bear children, she feels the pressure to be a hot artist but still be a mother to conform to society.

I agree with it all, except the "Ho" part. I mean, I see it just as her talking to herself - like maybe I would, by saying "come on, dumb*ss, what are you waiting for". Not because society sees her as a Ho, it's just kind of a term not to be taken literally.

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