Lyric discussion by squidness 

Zooming in on the woman, she'll be the religion-transcending phenomenon most commonly known as Kundalini. This energy stroke goddess manifests in spiritual aspirants as a serpent of fire rearing up the spine, burning away spiritual dross as she goes. When she reaches the head (specifically the third eye), the most common aspect of the experiences are profound illumination and whiteout.

The non-singular chariots from the book of Ezekiel zipping around up above will be astral projectors finding out for themselves how the universe ticks without being sidetracked by religious dogma. Although the Bible implied there was only one such chariot of interdimensional travel, everybody's got one. The specific technique alluded to is Drunvalo Melchizedek's merkaba meditation (Ezekiel's chariot is also known as the Merkaba). Mystery schools have focused on it as a means of achieving spiritual ecstasy (ek-stasis, standing outside of oneself, out of body experience) since the early middle ages.

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