Lyric discussion by oceanheart13 

No, I'm not a Christian, in fact I'm an atheist, but yes, Adam is an extremely talented man. Whether or not his fans can agree on if that gift was given or natural is besides the point. His music has changed me at a crucial point in my life. I'll never stop loving Vanilla Twilight, or Plant Life, or I'll Meet You There. His deeper songs carry me away into another world I can take refuge in and escape the dark, bitter world too many of us are stuck in today. His quirky songs like Dental Care and Rugs From Me to You bring a smile to my face and brighten up my day. We can only hope, or pray if you're like that, that some of Adam's old style snuck in to The Midsummer Station. These are mad times we live in, and I've been scared of my light going out like so many worn-out lightning bugs. I will check those songs out, thank you.

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