Lyric discussion by JeffBrennan 

Cover art for 11th Hour lyrics by Lamb of God

Listen to Killadelphia... Randy says "This is a drinking song" right before launching into 11th Hour. Its a song about alcoholism. I actually have "11th Hour" tattooed on my knuckles. The lyrics "Spin the bottle, Kiss only the bottle" means (to me) something a little different... I was addicted to pain pills for years. So that part of the song I interpreted as talking about a pill bottle. It reminds me how addicted I was and that I never want to be like that again. It helps me stay sober and "just say no"

That is some heavy shit... Congratulations for the stregth... And all people that are were to talk shit about bands, go and creat some stupid blog. This is for meaning of song... Can´t you people read?

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