Lyric discussion by nickkid218 

This song, in my opinion, is referring to a bad relationship.

If you look at the lines "All my thoughts are all lies/all my bones are so tired" He's been in this relationship for a long time, and he's done with it.

The lines "It makes a man out of me/You take the fun out of me" Refer to the narrator talking to his friends. His friends, in my opinion, were trying to talk him out of this relationship because they knew it was bad.

The chorus shows that the narrator has been doing everything he can to keep the spark alive ("I've been consistent to the fucking dream")

Finally, the line "I'm just a skeleton." Shows that the narrator isn't who he used to be. The relationship has made him into a mere shadow of who he once was.

Very sad, but awesome piece of music.

Moody lil' bugger, aren't ya;)

@nickkid218 I like your interpretation. Not where my mind went with the lyrics, but can definitely see your point, and thanks for sharing.

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