Lyric discussion by mellod89 

I think that it's not about a relationship, but about life choices that have been made or that need to be made. Everyone has an opinion about what needs to be done and they try to convince him to do what they tell him.

In the first verse, his Dad tries to "save" him by telling him that he needs to believe in the spirit of God, but he flat out rejects it. Mom tries to heal him by doing what all mothers do: loving on their children. He sorta accepts it (the "now" suggests it), but in the end he wants to be left alone. The brother tries to knock some sense into him while at the same time trying to comfort him and mold him into the person he wants him to be, but like mom he eventually wants to be left alone. Sis is a bit more understanding and isn't trying to force him into anything, but she doesn't understand that it's not the manner in what he's doing, it's where he's choosing to do it.

When he sings "And you talk and then you walk", he's saying that they try to force the issue then they give up. Then he eventually does what they want, and they still walk away.

In the chorus, the first imagery is oil in water. Oil to me represents the words/conversations and the water represents him showing that they don't mix. The second imagery, oil and fire (fire being his actions), shows that the words are feeding his actions, as fire is feed by oil. The swan represents the past and how things were easier and more peaceful. All the while, he questions why no one will support him, and their words burn him because he can remember a time when they used to support him.

The second verse opens with the media/world telling him what he should do, but he immediately rejects it. Then his angels watching over him, constantly test him to see if he does what they what him to do; he goes along with it, but tells them to leave him alone. The devil tries to reward him for his behavior while simultaneously blackmailing him, but he eventually tells him to leave him alone. The sister repeats from the first verse.

It ends with the world trying to force him into something that he really doesn't want, trying to "break him" of his individuality.

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