Lyric discussion by TheRevisionist 

Dustin is a worship leader at Mars Hill church in OC, and one of the churches ideologies is that Christianity is more about a relationship with Jesus than the laws of the bible. I think this song sort of follows that line. In the beginning he is lost, then finds the bible. He initially thinks he has found his salvation. The honey on the lips is a reference to Judaism, which only follows the old testament, the section from which most, if not all, of the controversial topics come from (anti-gay, pro slavery, etc.) The bitter twist in his side is a reference to the piercing of Jesus' side during his crucifixion. He thought he was doing right by following the literal reading of the bible, but it has led to his demise. Finally at the end, someone (Jesus) takes the weight (burden of the biblical law) for him, and essential says "you don't need these laws, you just need me in your life"

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