Lyric discussion by soulglowactivatur 

“This song is so extremely self-explanatory, it’s ridiculous. When in the studio, I was swamped with writing, and asked Alan if he wanted to work on lyrics for this one. All except for maybe a sentence or so were solely his own. It’s one of my favorite tracks on the record. The song talks about clearly knowing someone is doing you wrong, and you are simply over it. You’re not going to waste any more time, heart or air on them, because they have cheated you more than once and you have had enough. Someone can only apologize so many times, before their actions cry out louder than any of their words. This song is dedicated to anyone who has ever had someone rip the very ground out from below their feet, leaving them with nothing. Stay planted; everything works out in the end and works out for a reason.” -Austin Carlile

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