Lyric discussion by mch101389 

She described the song as something she would see happening in the future. She said she imagined being 40, never finding true love, and going back to her ex one day and seeing that he has children, a wife, and he's happy while she's still lonely and has no one. She still had feelings for him that never went away but then she realizes she'll never be with him again and mentions that she's happy for them and will find someone like him to make her happy like he is.

And when it comes to her being shy and hiding from the light, that means she doesn't want to go up to him and tell him how she feels because he's happy and she doesn't want to ruin that or take that away from him so she moves on.

It can also be interpreted many more ways as well. Such as seeing someone you love (not necessarily someone you dated previously) marry or fall in love with someone else instead of you and you realizing you have to move on and find someone else to love and make you happy.

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