Lyric discussion by 60_miles_an_hour 

This is such a gorgeous song. Yes, it's definitely about sex (and a possible reference to cunnilingus too "my arms reach up as you go down") but it's much more than just a song about sex. It's about the connection between two people, "together just one beating heart". Things happen around them (wind shakes, leaves fall, the neighbourhood sleeps) but no notice is taken. Nor do they think about the past. They are both completely involved and enwrapped in each other and nothing else. It's a beautiful thing. Stars have captured a deep and personal moment in two people's lives. So yes, it's about sex, but it's not just about sex, it's about the emotional connection and love shared between the couple in question as they make love.

I've edited the lyrics as they were a tad incorrect (even a missing line) so they should be alright now. :)

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