Lyric discussion by daisybubbles 

Pretty sure this song is supposed to be confusing. You'll never know for sure if it's about war or sex and that is supposed to symbolize the way we accept war nowadays. It's okay to simulate it in games like it's "entertaining". Countries feel "empowered" when they go to war. People think it's a game. It's not on their home soil so it's not their problem how severe it truly is.

And that confusion is what I see in this song. People don't even know what war is anymore, they think it's a movie, there is no point in making a genuine song about it because people are too arrogant to realize the devastation of people losing their relatives and hometowns. In my opinion she is trying to say "you think it's sexy, you think it's entertaining, I know how you'll feel once you have a gun to your head" sort of thing.

Could just be me.

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