Lyric discussion by Doric 

This song is definitely about sex and love, and probably drugs. Now, the only reason I mention drugs is the line 'embellish the banks of our bloodstreams' nothing else ties into this line from my mind.

Sex though, absolutely. The song starts with '...the bumps woke me up in your grip, and the tide took me to your mouth'. The song ends with 'would you like me to build you a go-kart'. A go-kart has no suspension. I'll let you take that as you may. Also, I have a feeling the 'potion' which you must hide your eyes from is something which may sting the eyes if it were...shot...there?

The whole album has images of water, and oceans in particular. The video for Crying Lightning is evidence of this if nothing else. He always writes about love and circumstance but this album feels more personal to me.

So yeah, more about sex than drugs I think, if hallucigens at all.

Why's everything about sex and drugs?

This song is about sex, in my mind. Drugs, maybe not so much but other people did state this earlier in the thread.

I'm sure not 'everything' is about sex and drugs. Yet, you have to look toward the most powerful influencing factors in decision making to figure out why 'most' would be.

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