Lyric discussion by hiddenwanderer 

Cover art for King of Spain lyrics by Tallest Man on Earth, The

When I first heard the line "Still I am not from Barcelona / I am not even from Madrid" I immediately thought of Dylan and then my thoughts were reinforced when he restates the Dylan's song title, "Boots of Spanish Leather". Dylan's song is about a lover (probably Dylan's girlfriend at the time, Suze, who left for Italy because her family didn't want her seeing Dylan) leaving behind her love with no intentions of returning back to him. There are multiple lines that suggest it is a sort of "response" to Dylan's song.

To begin with, the very first line of "King of Spain", "I never knew I was a lover" is a direct link to Dylan's "Boots of Spanish Leather" where both characters in the song are labeled by each other "my own true love" respectively. I think the song "King of Spain" is a derogatory stab at the lover from Dylan's song "Boots of Spanish Leather", arguing that she made the man who he is today, something he never wanted to be. So if he had the chance he wishes she could "reinvent my [his] name" and "redirect my day [life]", he'd wanna be anything else but her lover. In this case, he'd want to be the "King of Spain" presumably so he could still keep an eye on his previous lover.

I think that Kristian Matsson is the next Dylan. Just how Dylan was to Woody, Matsson is to Dylan. It's a wonderful thing to see folk music still thriving today, maybe not as prominent, but still provoking beautiful imagery and memorable, meaningful lyrics, that could also be argued as great poetry. All in all, excellent song and I absolutely love his delivery, makes the song that much better.