Lyric discussion by difolk 

I just wanted to add the precision that the album PINK MOON in which this song appears, sounds like quite dark and gloomy. Personally, I'm a huge huge fan of Nick Drake and despite the "depressed" side of some of his songs, and especially this album, it's such a beauty that I could listen to it in any mood and it would always make me feel good. But to come back at my comment of the album PINK MOON, it was made by a Nick Drake already corroded by depression at that time (And if you love him and his music, I hope you resist the temptation to turn his life into some dumb romantic tortured poet story, because, for having much studied his history, I know he was a funny and enthousiast but just shy guy. And he fell in this disease but it wasn't his innitial personnality) So he made the album Bryter Layter before this one, album which was very orchestrated and full of collaborations and of a myriad of instruments, contrarily to Pink Moon which contains just the sound of Drake's acoustic guitar and light voice (and a piano touch in the title-song). And he was disappointed by the fact that all the people he known called him a genius but that he hadn't a public recognition (And you can hear this bitterness very clearly in the lyrics of the song HANGING ON A STAR : "Why leave me hanging on a star, when you deem me so high - And why leave me sailing in the sea, when you hear me so clear"). He fell little by little in this depression, and decided to record Pink Moon alone with one sound ingineer, he made it in just two nights, and the result is an extraordinary album, nude, crude, disarming by its beauty out of frills, but very revealing of Drake's state of mind at that time, quite dark therefore. And listening to this album, with headphones to be isolated of all exterior noises, with eyes closed, is a unique experience. Because at the end, the last song you hear is FROM THE MORNING, and this song is so positive! After all an album of a beautiful darkness, you finish on this moving celebration of life, telling you that another day starts after this tormented night, all starts again with a beautiful morning, that everything is possible with the rise of the sun. It's at the opposite with the whole rest of the album, and it ends like that. I'm telling you, you can't arrive at the end of PINK MOON with your eyes dry. That's why this song has a particular saviour. And you need to know that FROM THE MORNING was his parents favourite song, proof that it has a positive reflect, and that's why they chose a quote of this song as epitaph on his gravestone "Now we rise, and we are everywhere". I would end this comment, telling you that his mother has testified that he didn't want to be a star, but he felt that he had something to say to the people of his own generation, and he didn't feel that he did that. His sister has testified that he once said to their mother "If only I could feel that my music had ever done anything to help one single person, it would have make it worth it".... I can truly say that his music helped me!!

@difolk His philosophy of life was like Emily Dickinson's poem...

If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain.

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