Lyric discussion by puje 

This song is about the Akallabêth, part of the The Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien. The Akallabêth (meaning "The Downfallen" in Adûnaic) is about how the men who helped the gods win the War of Wrath were granted an island (Númenor) to set up a great realm. To make long story short, they eventually captured Sauron and took him prisoner, but but he slowly fooled the king and most of the people into worshipping Morgoth (the Dark Lord). Some resisted and fled the island as the king launched an assault on the undying lands (realm of the gods). The island was sunk under the sea and evil king and his man were killed. The few faithfull fled to middle earth.

I was a bit surprised Forefather would write song about Tolkien's works, I figured their lyrics were a bit more "serious" but still cool none the less.

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