Lyric discussion by red norgaard 

i think it's a 'boy you would own'

and 'sucking on dreams'

my best guess on the last is 'collaging girls' (as if he collects them?)

dark, nightmarish song about an abusive relationship, i think. it grabs me somehow.

'boy you would know'

the singer has a friend she's seeing, maybe just to listen, maybe something more, but she still isn't sure she wants out of the abusive/manipulative relationship

... it's possible to spend too much time thinking about these things, isn't it...

thank you, i appreciate suggestions.

i think you're right about the boy part. i still hear OWN, rather than KNOW... but you never do know :)

i really can't tell if she's saying "drinks" or "dreams" now. i heard "drinks." then i read your suggestion, and i was sure it was "dreams"... then i listened to it several more times and i don't know anymore.

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