Lyric discussion by tile7 

It drives me crazy, on occasions, that Pearl Jam doesn't what songs are actually referring too. I like the idea that each song can be "unique" for each person, I would just like to know what is their "uniqueness" in it. My "uniqueness", verse by verse (how else...).

Restless soul, enjoy your youth.

  • message to young, to enjoy, as they (we once) don't understand what they have at the moment... youth...

Like Muhammad. Hits the truth.

  • young people, direct, truthful, to the point. You get older, you lie and mislead...

Can't escape from the common rule - if you hate something don't you do it too.

  • a general advice, I wish all would apply. Very simple one...

Small my table. A-sits just two.

  • I think later, live, changed to "sits just one" was about marriage. Eddies. But here, like someone wrote above, me, my wife, that my life. My table is too small to accept all of you that I wont, and certainly small to accept those that I wont.

Got so crowded. I can't make room. Oh where did they come from? Stormed my room.

  • suffocation, specially from those that he don't wont. But also everybody. Life not simple anymore. "where did they come from" - music industry. People who listen to Pearl Jam because its "in", and don't understand nothing. Its for them.

And you dare say it belongs to you. To you.

  • Yes, "you". "Fashion" listeners...

This is not for you.

My friends call me Ed, they call me. My friends they don't scream. My friends don't call. My friends don't.

  • very nice. Hie real friends call him Ed, don't make noise, don't admire him, they leave him alone when he needs to be... Don't bother him. This include fans, not only those mentioned above. We are not his friends (true friends) neither is Eddie mine, or any other PJ guy. I like spending time my true friends. Everybody does.

All that's sacred comes from youth. Dedication. Naive and true. With no power. Nothing to do.

  • again very nice. Admiration to young people, that he compares them to saints, and most of what they do is sacred (once the "if you hate something don't you do it too" rule is applied). Dedicated to what they believe in, naive and again, true.

I still remember. Why don't you? Don't you?

  • I still remember being young (and trying to keep "sacredness") why don't you (others, which forgot what is it all about). Then he hopes. "Don't you?". He asks, perhaps someone will remember and change... Regarding this, famous Serbian (late) poet said "I would gladly exchange a beer in a tavern I have now, for an F grade in chemistry..."

This is not for you. Never was for you. Fuck you. This is not for you.

By chance are you handing out the same punch Jim Jones made? Such a negative view of wisdom and maturity from age, hard work, wisdom, and experience but such a positive view of youth. Maybe I emerged from another planet, but youth to me equals carelessness; idealism to the point of being laughable; drunkness; shallowness; self-centeredness...people who want instant gratification; whine at the littliest of problems; are consumed with their own superficial needs; worship the self, money, power, fame, and status symbols; handle their problems with booze, drugs, easy sex, and other bandaids; leech off others (ie parents and friends);...

And, yes, I was generalizing just as YOU did (do)

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