Lyric discussion by dunndavid93 

A correction for the lyrics: "I can feel you in the rising tide"

Because Adam is a Christian, I think this song is about the relationship between God and a person. I'm not saying it HAS to mean that, but I'm pretty sure it does. I think it's written in the point of view of God. When it says "You're my sweetest dream come true" it's talking about how God wants us to love him, and when we do, it's what make him happiest. When it says "And try to be brave cause I'll be right beside you" God is saying how he is always there for us, and is always with us. "There's a world so high" is a reference to Heaven. "Hold out your hands and you can go anywhere" is a description of worshiping God, and how God will use you to do amazing things. "So reach for the stars cause I'll be waiting up there and you can finally fly cause you'll be lighter than air" is talking about when we finally get to Heaven if we choose to "reach" for God.

Such an amazing song! Fell in love the first time i heard it.

Yeah, it's a nice description!^-^

But you didn't mention anything about the name of the song.. I think it would be nice to think that Adam wanted to express that heaven is an utopia or "youtopia"! Don't you?:)

True, I overlooked that!

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