Lyric discussion by AndrewVS 

Cover art for Two of Us lyrics by Beatles, The

"You and I have memories / Longer than the road that stretches out ahead" Beautiful line. They can go sunday driving, road tripping, spend time together -- do whatever, because whatever task they take on is insignificant compared to the relationship between them both and everything they've done. The upbeat, triumphant, nothing can go wrong nature of the song reflects this mindset.

To me it is a much better tribute to John than anything Paul wrote after his death. It is a lifetime friendship full of love. to wit: Steve Jobs & Bill Gates were being interviewed and were asked about their personal relationship. Bill hesitated and Steve jumped " I can boil any part of my life to a Beatle lyric and when I think about Bill what comes to mind is: You and I share memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead" Even Gates got teary eyed. When a simple line in a poem can hit so...