Lyric discussion by just4david 

Gods hand is in this song, in listening to this and reading to the above lyrics at the same time - i had an epiphany - this is God in our lives...

the agopy love he extends, no matter what the circumstances sets the example for how we are to live with our loved ones and fellow man.

now it is a love song, but extends very much further into how this love should transcend to all..

Back in the late 1960s my grandfather, whom I was very close to, had a sudden and severe stroke that paralyzed one side of his body. He had always been active and strong with a firm dislike of hospitals-he didn't ever want to be in one. Despite his protests he was taken to the hospital the next morning. After my dad got out of work the next day we drove to Traverse City to visit him. I was shocked to see him on a bed with his right hand tied to the bed's side-rail. The staff explained he had...

This is true because I heard the song in my head and I thought to myself how come know one has dedicated this song to me but its in my head so what's going on? And Jesus said "I was singing it to you" ♥ I was like WOW Jesus' love is deep :)

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