Lyric discussion by Lanta 

I used to wonder about the meaning of this song, as most of the lyrics sound like the polar opposite of Eddie Vedder's well-publicised social consciousness and activism. I thought either Ed might be second-guessing his (very public) stance on certain issues, or else being semi-sarcastic and self-effacing...

Then I discovered that these lyrics were actually written by Stone Gossard, which obviously puts a completely different slant on the meaning.

IMO, Stone was likely writing from his own perspective on being in a band that often seemed like it was trying to change the world. In public at least, the band appeared united on the issues of anti-corporatism and political reform (everyone remember the Ticketmaster shit-storm?) however No Way's lyrics seem to posit a 'counterpoint' to that position. It's possible Stone had grown weary of 'fighting the good fight' and just wanted Ed and the band to focus on the music for once.

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