Lyric discussion by heartjuice 

I'm not reading eight pages of comments, but from what I've read is, you guys are neglecting to realize that they're BOTH singing the last stanzaa. It's not just the female singing it.

This isn't about a guy who can't remember what happened to them and a girl that was heartbroken but was okay with giving herself to him in the past...

They BOTH gave themselves to each other, and they BOTH have nothing left to say/save, and they're BOTH not sorry. This is a mutual acknowledgment from both people that they had this thing in the past, and it didn't work out. Don't forget the title of the song. "your ex-lover is dead" means that they're not the same person that they were when they had something. Her scar is a fleck, but it's also a scar, and a thing of the past.

I also want to point out that when I originally listened to this song, I didn't imagine it as two people singing to each other, but two different voices singing the same perspective. One single person couldn't remember the ex-lovers name, and has a scar, and will write a postcard. It could be one perspective, not two.

Sorry I meant to press thumbs up but I pressed thumbs down..

Spot on. I've just broken up with my boyfriend of 3 years. And that last refrain is exactly how I'm feeling right now, I'm sure it's how he is feeling too. We had no regrets, it just wasn't meant to be. :(

@heartjuice Its funny you mention that. I was just watching the video and thought they must've remixed this to include both but went back to the track and picked up on both voices but you are right I would've said the same thing that it was just the woman reflecting. Of course from the video you get the sense they are kind of observers anyway. But nice catch!

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