Lyric discussion by TheFlipanator 

Anyone notice similarities between this song and the Modern Lovers song "Roadrunner"? They're sorta few and far between, but there are some pretty glaring similarities. Especially the chorus part with the similar word patterns and the "(X) miles an hour" stuff. Totally not saying Albarn ripped off anybody, that's for sure - they're still more different than they are similar. I'm just saying that influence is such cool thing. I just think it's very possible for M1A1 to have been inspired by Roadrunner, in the same way that Roadrunner was inspired by The Velvet Underground.

I know this is primarily a "song meanings" forum before it's anything else, so I guess just as far as what their relationship might mean in terms of song meaning could just mean that some of M1A1's meaning could be based off of Roadrunner's meaning. Aside from that, that's all I've got.

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