Lyric discussion by mellbells 

This song makes me cry. It hits me on such a deep level. I see it as totally spiritual. It is their spirits that long to be reunited but they are in different physical manifestations...In a former life she was deeply in love with him and he her but they somehow got separated and now they are on a separate realms-when she says what she would give to feel the sunlight on her face makes me think she is mermaid-she can come to land and they can be together but he first must remember or must restore his faith and belief in love. His soul needs to awaken and only then will her soul be able to come upon land again where their souls can reunite and they can cross paths and meet one another. She is frustrated and sad because it is up to him and his soul growth that will bring them back together and being caught between two worlds states her realm and his. She is speaking to him telepathically or so via means of his dreams...She has done everything trying to get him to wake up and only until he steps out on faith will she be revealed and they together.

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