Lyric discussion by MissCharlotteSometimes 

This is hilarious. I know someone who plays this song like it's his own personal anthem. He plays it whenever he's been cornered about being a diseased sleazeball who uses young, clueless men. All he is is a sex machine...nothing of any value but how he completes the act. Toss in some booze and razorblades and coke and that's the quality of man he is. Too bad all his little male victims don't know the REAL him, but they ten years time they can wave to him as he sits alone in his dark house with his booze and books 'cause he can no longer con the male youth. See, I get the last laugh. I win this one. You'll always be a loser :D

It's a good thing he dropped your ass because you're a bitter, mean and hateful person. Who are you to judge and say what is of value? Maybe he does those things because the women he's been with were all like you and treated him like shit. Let him move on and behappy and terrorize someone else. What kind of sicko would say things about razor blades? You're sick and should me Micheal Myers for Halloween. Who's got the last word now? now he didn't:)

Who's the loser who can't keep my name out of her mouth. OBSESSED MUCH?

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