Lyric discussion by jonboy7 

renod2, couldn't disagree more. David Gray has some great numbers on that album but I didn't rate his interpretation of this; I think he oversimplifies it. Like all great artists Marc Almond plays this different each time he performs it, but it's typically full of passion, venom and bitterness about a failed relationship. Other times he seems just plain vindictive and even humourous and mocking. I think it plays on anger and resentment as a way of dealing with the pain of a failed relationship he really wanted to work. After all, he starts the song out by 'crying in the rain', and the 'nice little housewife' line seems sarcastic, as if that's not really what he wants at all. He seems unwillingly resigned to a more boring life after failing to keep up with someone that turned out to be a little too dangerous and exciting for him. I think he's secretly disgusted with himself for not being able to handle this girl, but deals with that by blaming her. I don't know about the hidden gay meaning that others mention, or the suggestion the girl is a prostitute. I just know it's a masterpiece that captures perfectly a complex set of emotions most of us have probably experienced at some point.

Hidden gay meaning? Please. It did/does not exist. No sense to interpret the song since you about covered everything. This band was the epitome of the 1980's.

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