Lyric discussion by singforlife 

What's beautiful about this song is that anyone can relate to it. It can mean so many different things to so many different people.. As for me, this song can relate to a guy who is in love with this girl, but this girl doesn't feel the same way he feels about her. And, in such cases when a guy tells a girl his feelings and the girl doesn't feel the same way, it distances their friendship or their close relation that existed before all said and done. And this guy, instead of being attached to the girl, he maintains his distance--caught between the confusion of him and her. He wants to be friends and carries the guilt of why he told her about his feelings. That's why in this song, his words are powerful but his pride and ego is even more powerful. "There is one thing I can never give you... My heart will never be your home" In this verse, he is not telling her that he wont give her his heart. He's just strongly assuring her that them coming back together again, will not be for the sake of him wanting, needing or hoping naively for a relationship..he tells her that he understands and acknowledges that "he can never give her his heart" and "his heart will never be the place she calls home".. but he needs her as a friend. Since this girl is reluctant about going back or doesn't know what to do... he cry out loud asking her to "stand by him" because he needs her in his life and you never know what's it gonna be so why reject or walk away.. maybe he and she can be close as before, and maintain that close friendship that they both depend on and need.

... this just my thoughts on the song..

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