Lyric discussion by BlankThis 

When asked in an Interview... Who is Hailey? That name has appeared on both albums now.

Leighton - Hailey is a girl that has plagued and supported me through some very hard times in my life.

Hailey seems to be a girl that Leighton is unable to move on from/let go. This song makes me think that perhaps Leighton betrayed by following something or someone else and leaving Hailey in the "midwest". It's like he had the opportunity at a better life than living in a basement apartment, but had to pick between it and the girl, leaving her in December. I get the feeling that now looking back Leighton feels bad for (Maybe even regrets) getting out of there. It's an apology.

I'm not sure if this is true or not but I always imagined Hailey to be a ghost or imaginary friend that was always there during the hard times. I often imagined she was a real person that committed suicide or something and kept him company. He only saw her during dreams or when on drugs. I prefer not to know the truth because then the magic of Lydia's music and lyrics isn't as fun. This is an awesome song though.

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